vendredi 21 décembre 2007

Moi aussi, moi aussi un best of!

You had to be expecting this one. My very own, personal, individual, personalized, subjective lyrical compilation of this year's best albums. I know, I know, everyone is doing it...well, why shouldn't I?? Almost all of the following are brought-up, cited or referred to in this blog. Without further ado, here are my faves, favorite, preferred, best-loved for 2007- in no particular order.

LCD Soundsystem, Sound of Silver

Justice, Cross

M.I.A, Kala

Bjork, Volta

MUM, Go Go Smear the Poison Ivy

Yelle, Pop Up

Stars, In our Bedroom After the War

Radiohead, In Rainbows

Robert Plant and Alison Krauss, Raising Sand

Iron and Wine, The Shepherd's Dog

Compilation After Dark

Daft Punk, Alive 2007

Coco Rosie, The Adventures of Ghosthorse and Stillborn

Architecture in Helsinki, Places Like This

Akido, Blink

Digitalism, Idealism

Simian Mobile Disco, Attack Decay Sustain Release

Plaza Musique, L'Amour et L'Occident

Kudu, Death of the Party

The National Parcs, Timbervision

Le Peuple de L'Herbe, Radio Blood Money

Of Montreal, Hissing Fauna, Are You the Destroyer?

The Fiery Furnaces, Widow City

Andrew Bird, Armchair Apocrypha

Chromeo, Fancy Footwork

Patrick Wolf, The Magic Position

Bonde Do Role, With Lasers

What's your fave for 2007??

vendredi 14 décembre 2007

Da Funk Alive

I bought the latest from Daft Punk titled Alive 2007. It’s not their first live album, there was also one in 1997. Same concept, different songs, a full live show on cd. If you have been reading this blog, then you know how much I appreciated the show at the Bell Centre this year. The visuals, the music, the energy, everything was as I expected. When I got this live album, I knew I’d be getting a little piece of the Montreal show, even though the album was recorded at the Palais Omnisport in Bercy, Paris on June 14th, 2007.

I am flabbergastingly right! I can now relive the 7th of August, 2007 anytime I feel like it. Daft Punk’s Alive 2007 is your opportunity to hear the show as you would have anywhere along their 2006-2007 world tour. BUT, you’d have to have some visuals in order to fully live the experience. I have no idea if a DVD is planned to come out soon, but if Guy Manuel and Thomas are the robotic intelligencia they claim to be, then they have definitely thought of putting togetha' a live DVD….the visuals of the show were just so freakin' rad eh!

jeudi 6 décembre 2007

Le Peuple de l'Herbe ben, ben verte!

Axl Rose a chanté ‘Take me down to the Paradise City where the grass is green and the girls are pretty’ (Oh won't you pleeeeeaaassseeee take me hooooome, yeeeaaahhhhh). Peut-être est-ce là que vit Le Peuple de l’Herbe.

Une pièce Jazzé très influencé de The Herbaliser débute Radio Blood Money, le 4ième album des Lyonnais Le Peuple de l’Herbe: Pee, Psychostik, N’Zeng et Spagg. En fait, tout l’album est influencé du jazz. Par contre, la pièce History Goes me rappel beaucoup Vodoo People de Prodigy que j'ai découverte avec le film Hackers en 1996; je suis depuis un peu moins inculte sur le hacking!! La pièce Trace est d’un trip-hop de cuivres, The Fall met en vedette d’la grosse guitare sombre et excitante comme si j'étais dans une poursuite, et parlant de poursuite, la pièce Quai No8 serait parfaite pour la prochaine trame sonore d’un film de James Bond. Bref, to make a long story short, Radio Blood Money me fascine au plus haut point. C’est comme si ils s’étaient faufilés dans mon subconscient pour y trouver tous les genres musicaux que j’aime et fait un album avec. Que ce soit le trip-hop, break beat, hard tech ou hip-hop, Le Peuple de l’Herbe mélange très bien les genres sur une base électro, bourré de samples et de clin d’œil. Un disque élégant rempli de groove! Voici ce qu’est du Fusion en 2007 : Le Peuple de l’Herbe sur Radio Blood Money!